Anyway, I assume, I hope, we're okay now, RS. When after having taught the move way back in the early seventies, a move that's NOW known by magicians all over the world, and when I've taught different effects/routines utilizing it in just about every other book (perhaps a dozen?) since then, a poster (and I'm not putting anyone down) obviously never heard of it, or me probably. And in no way was I putting down anyone who "hasn't written any books, taught on videos." No I was, and am, a bit, well I guess "disappointed" is the word (and admittedly, annoyed). Arthur Buckley Card Control Pdf Size Saab Ecu Tuning Program Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Download Free Endurance Battery Booster Manual User Manual Roland Xp-50 Honeywell Plc Software Download. Gotta' tell you, RS, if something like it happened to you, or anyone else, I would in NO WAY tell you, or them, how to react. So you'll just have to forgive my reaction to that. RS: How "bent out of shape" people get, lets face it, is an individual thing, as is "degree." When something is brought up over and over and over again, after I've explained it over and over and over again, it's like water torture.